Document 2025 DOCN M94A2025 TI Working together: an experience among NGOs, private enterprises and the government. DT 9412 AU Blume E; Rouillon M; Mazzotti G; Cuellar L; Rosasco A; VIA LIBRE, Lima-Peru. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):398 (abstract no. PD0201). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370550 AB OBJECTIVE: To develop a strategy to promote the decentralization of the efforts to provide information in different cities of the country. METHODS: VIA LIBRE, an NGO with four years of experience working in STD/HIV prevention has a successful program of information for the general population in the capital of the country. This program, initially supported by World Health Organization provide information through posters, videos, and peer education using pavilions moving from neighborhood to neighborhood. With support of different enterprises and the government this program was moved to southern Peru. Training courses for health care workers about HIV diagnosis and treatment, and counseling were done in all the cities. RESULTS: Seventy five private enterprises gave financial support to start-up the program to provide information in three cities in southern Peru (Arequipa, Tacna, Mollendo). A total of 135,000 people received motivational information through the program. One hundred seventy six health care workers were trained in HIV diagnosis, treatment and biosafety. Eighty-six people were trained in counseling. Health care workers from Chile came to Tacna (the border city in Peru) to attend the courses. One hundred and twenty five teachers attended information workshops. Mass media (radio, TV) from all the region supported the campaign. Motivated people from the community were identified to be organized in community-base organizations. CONCLUSION: Only a join effort among NGOs, private enterprises and the government will allow a greater impact in the prevention of the AIDS epidemic. This is the first effort in the country to start-up a multisectorial information campaign. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/THERAPY/ TRANSMISSION *Developing Countries Health Education Human Inservice Training *Interprofessional Relations Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice Patient Care Team Peru *Politics *Public Health *Self-Help Groups Sexually Transmitted Diseases/PREVENTION & CONTROL/THERAPY/ TRANSMISSION *Voluntary Health Agencies MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).